Mitsubishi Electric Issues Environmental Report 2017

Achieved key targets and strengthened environmental management globally

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TOKYO, June 30, 2017 - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (TOKYO: 6503) announced today its immediate issuance of the Mitsubishi Electric Group's environmental report for the fiscal year that ended in March 2017, which documents the results and achievements of the Group's environmental initiatives.

The report ( reviews the operations of Mitsubishi Electric and its 109 Japanese affiliates and 79 overseas affiliates, focusing on efforts to meet targets and implement policies set under the Mitsubishi Electric Group's three-year environmental plan. Launched in April 2015 as the company's eighth three-year blueprint for environmental action, the plan emphasizes four areas of activities: 1) contributing to the realization of low-carbon societies, 2) contributing to the creation of recycling-based societies, 3) ensuring harmony with nature, and 4) strengthening the environmental management foundation.

Mitsubishi Electric continues to press forward with environmental efforts, taking into account global factors such as achieving targets set out in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. The company is determined to become a "global, leading green company" that contributes to affluent societies which offer sustainability as well as safe, secure and comfortable lifestyles

Key Initiatives and Results

Greenhouse gas reduction from products and production
Mitsubishi Electric reduced total annual greenhouse gas emissions to 1.34 million tons, which was lower than the target of 1.43 million tons, through activities such as replacement of production facilities and review of operational processes. Non-CO2 emissions were reduced to 260,000 tons on a CO2-equivalent basis, which was lower than the target of 270,000 tons, mainly as the result of reducing the use of hydrofluorocarbon in factories outside Japan. CO2 originating from energy was reduced by 23,000 tons, mainly through replacement of air conditioners and lighting in facilities, and by improving production efficiency through the adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. CO2 emissions generated by 106 Mitsubishi Electric eco-products, especially industrial mechatronics products and home appliances, achieved an average reduction of 35 percent, exceeding the target of 34 percent.
Mitsubishi Electric prioritized global manufacturing sites that most needed to take water-risk measures by utilizing a water risk evaluation tool, WRI Aqueduct, developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI). As a result, total water consumption was reduced by 40,000 cubic meters and the cumulative water-recycling rate was improved by one percentage point through measures including the reuse of purified wastewater for toilets and cooling systems.
Environmental awareness
Living Creatures Studies were carried out at 10 business sites, bringing the cumulative total to 17, in an effort to improve greenery and preserve nature, including rare and endemic species, at all sites in Japan. Some 5,100 people, compared with a target of 3,500, participated in the company-run Mitsubishi Electric Outdoor Classroom or Satoyama Woodland Preservation Project thanks to additional venues and increased interest among local students.
Environmental management
Environmental risks at 90 global factories were evaluated using an original index covering air pollution, water pollution, chemical substances, greenhouse gas emissions and waste disposal. Thereafter, various initiatives were taken to minimize risks in specific locations, resulting in an average score of 90 out of 100 points for all factories.

Note that the releases are accurate at the time of publication but may be subject to change without notice.